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May 2024

Compaid Ambassador, Zak Skinner, trains for the 2024 Paris Paralympic Games

Zak Skinner is a Paralympian, double Para-Athletic gold medalist, and Compaid's ambassador. His consistent training over several months has been impressive, and observing his development is truly motivational, and with support from his new team at Blue Carpet Sports Management, Zak is set to perform excellently in the Paris Paralympic Games, starting on August 28th 2024.  

Here are some words from Zak’s manager, Tom Bosworth:  

With the season fast approaching the magnitude of the year’s preparation for the games have been turned up a notch. With a lot of the final hard graft being done now before we settle into a competition season. The training since the indoors season has been hard and testing but also very enjoyable.  

“Zak is in a really good place and excited to show his form in his early competitions. With one final training camp set out in Turkey this month to fine tune his training and get him ready to compete. We hope to see him competing at the end of May/June both in the long jump runways and in the 100m. 

“It’s an exciting time and he can’t wait to get out there now and get his road to Paris fully underway!” 


More exciting news comes in the form of Zak’s presence in upcoming documentaries that will feature on Channel 4.  

Some of Britain’s biggest track and field stars will be heading into the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris this summer with Channel 4 cameras following their preparations and training. Two fly-on-the-wall documentaries, in partnership with The National Lottery, will provide a unique insight into the journey these athletes take and the sacrifices they make to be able to compete for Olympic or Paralympic gold. 

The series will explore what it takes to be a professional athlete heading to the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Each athlete has a unique story to tell, and the series will follow their gruelling training sessions, championship battles and the challenge of trying to qualify for the Games. 

Viewers will be introduced to the high-performance support environment, enabled by National Lottery players, including coaches, nutritionists, physiotherapists, and psychologists. This team that sits behind every National Lottery-supported elite athlete will give a unique insight into the mentality and physicality of an elite sportsperson fighting to represent their country. 

The nine athletes set to take part in the documentary are just some of the over 1,000 elite athletes on UK Sport’s National Lottery-funded World Class Programme.

The first episode, which is being made in partnership with the National Lottery, will focus on four Olympians. They are world and Olympic 800metres silver medallist Hodgkinson, the last two 1500m world champions, Kerr and Jake Wightman, as well as high jumper Morgan Lake.

In episode two, five Paralympic athletes will feature – sprinter Peacock, wheelchair racers Hannah Cockroft and Nathan Maguire, long jumper Zak Skinner and shot put and discus thrower Funmi Oduwaiye. 

Follow our Facebook page to get all the up-to-date information about our ambassador Zak Skinner’s involvement in this programme. 

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